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Guidance Note PDF Print


The Commission Panel for this hearing will be:

  • Mr. Justice Frank King - Chairman
  • Professor Andrew Downes - Commissioner
  • Mr. Floyd Phillips - Commissioner


The rate hearing will commence on October 29, 2003 at 9:30 a.m. at the Sherbourne Conference Centre.


To facilitate your full participation and enhance your familiarity with the process that will guide the hearing, the Commission will hold a Procedural Conference on Sept 12, 2003 at 10:00 a.m. at the Sherbourne Conference Centre.  This Procedural Conference will set out the process for the submission of information requests and interrogatories (i.e. questions to Cable & Wireless).  Timelines for receipt of responses from Cable & Wireless and the exchange of documents among parties will be decided on together with any other matter that would aid in the simplification or the just and expeditious conduct of the rate hearing.

You will be provided with the submissions of other intervenors and information submitted by the Applicant (except such information that is claimed to be confidential).  Claims of confidentiality will be heard and determined as part of the Procedural Conference.  Rule 13 of the URA Procedural Rules will be used to determine confidentiality claims


Please find enclosed the Information Request dated August 12, 2003 made by the Commission.  Cable & Wireless has indicated that the requested information will be fully provided on September 5, 2003, at which time all information received (except that for which confidentiality is claimed) will be shared with your goodselves.

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