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On December 11, 2020, the Fair Trading Commission informed the public of its intention to extend the 2018-2020 Standards of Service (‘SoS’) for the Barbados Water Authority, the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited and Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited (trading as Flow).
The aforementioned regulated utilities and the public were invited to submit any objections that they may have had to the proposed extension. This consultative process, which is a legislative requirement for the Commission, provided the various parties with the opportunity to comment on the issues that they deemed relevant to the decision-making process.
As the Commission received no objections to the extension, the SoS for each utility will remain in effect until June 30, 2021 or until the Commission determines new Standards, whichever is earlier.
The SoS represent the minimum standards of quality, customer service and reliability that should be provided by the regulated utility service providers at the individual and national levels. Compensation is given to customers for specific Standards where breaches occur. For more information on the SoS, visit the Standards of Service link in the Utility Regulation section at www.ftc.gov.bb.
February 12, 2020
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