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  • The FTC must consult the public before making decisions on utility regulation matters.
  • The FTC has the power to stop a merger.
  • If you have been misled about the price or nature of goods or services, you must first let the business try to resolve it before contacting the FTC.
Press Releases
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Standards of Service 2018-2020 for BL&P, C&W
BL&P Application for the Review of the Fuel Clause Adjustment
Commission Approves BL&P's Grid Code Interconnection Requirements
Latest News – ICPEN Website Relaunched
Fair Trading Commission BNTCL Decision Not Issued
Career Opportunity – General Legal Counsel
Commission Decision - BWA Standards of Service 2018-2020
Request for Public Comment on BL&P Grid Code Interconnection Requirements
FTC Office Relocation
Public Consultation on the review of BL&P Standards of Service 2014-2017
Public Consultation on the review of C&W (B’dos) Ltd. Standards of Service 2014-2017
Redacted merger application of the Barbados National Terminal Company Limited and BNTCL Holdings Ltd
Request for Public Comment on Merger Application of BNTCL Ltd. and BNTCL Holdings Ltd.
Training Programme in Competition Law and Policy, March 22-23, 2017
Decision on the BL&P Application to apply the Results and Costs of Fuel Hedging to the FCA
Commission Issues Policy Statement on Misleading Advertising
Career Opportunities
Decision on the Motion to Review the RER Decision
Town Hall Meetings for BWA Standards of Service
Commission issues the Price Cap Compliance Rules and Procedures 2016
Public Consultation Notice: Barbados Water Authority Standards of Service 2016
Motion for Review of the Fuel Clause Adjustment
Commission is undertaking a study into the Used Vehicle Industry in Barbados
Motion to Review the Renewable Energy Rider Decision
Application of Digicel Triple Credit
Commission issues Decision on Price Cap Plan 2016
FTC Annual Lecture Focusses on the Future of Utilities
Public Notice: Review of the Price Cap Plan 2012
Interruptible Service Rider pilot programme now permanent
Trustee Appointed in Merger between Cable & Wireless Communications PLC & Columbus International Inc
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