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Notice of Motion for Review of the Renewable Energy Rider PDF Print


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(RER) DECISION No. 001 of 2014

IN THE MATTER of the Fair Trading Commission Act, CAP.326B of the Laws of Barbados;

AND IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation Act, CAP.282 of the Laws of Barbados;

AND IN THE MATTER of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 and the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) (Amendment) Rules, 2009;

AND IN THE MATTER of an Application by the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited for a review of the Renewable Energy Rider decision issued on August 8th 2013.

THE FAIR TRADING COMMISSION (COMMISSION) GIVES NOTICE that: The Barbados Light & Power Company Limited (Applicant) by a Notice of Motion dated and filed on the 3rd of December 2013, applied for a review of the Commission’s Decision on the Renewable Energy Rider (RER) dated August 8th, 2013. This motion proposes a change in the billing arrangements as determined in the Decision. The Applicant also sought an order staying this Decision.

After assessing the Applicant’s submission the Commission has granted the stay pending its determination of the Motion to review the Decision. Therefore the terms and conditions existing prior to the RER Decision will apply to new customers only, while current RER customers will continue under their present arrangements.

The Commission has determined that it will conduct this matter as a written hearing pursuant to Rule 37 of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules, 2003 to determine the threshold question and a review on the merits.

The parties to this matter are the Applicant and the participants of the 2012 Renewable Energy Rider Consultation. They will all be given the opportunity to file submissions in relation to the Motion to review.

Dated the 29th day of January, 2014

Peggy Griffith

Chief Executive Officer

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