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Decision on - Motion for Review and Variation - Long Run Incremental Interconnection Rates Decision PDF Print
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decision on the motion for review and variation ofthe long run incremental interconnection rates decision

The Digicel (Barbados) Company Limited (Applicant), by a Notice of Motion dated and filed on April 23rd, 2015, applied for a review and variation of the Commission’s Decision on the Long Run Incremental Cost Interconnection Rates Decision (LRIC Decision), dated March 27th, 2015. This motion proposed a change in the glide path arrangements as determined in the Decision.
Pursuant to the Procedural Directions issued by the Commission on May 22nd, 2015 to the Applicant, Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited and CARITEL made submissions on the substantive Motion to Review and Variation of the LRIC Decision. The Commission, pursuant to Rule 37 of the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules 2003, by way of a written hearing, assessed these submissions to determine whether the grounds the Applicant relied on met the threshold question and analysed those grounds on their merits.
The Commission is of the view that the Applicant’s grounds as set out in its Motion for Review and Variation and Written Submissions do not support a variation or modification of the Commission’s Decision. As a consequence, the Commission denied the Application for the Motion for Review and Variation of the Applicant.
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