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Motion to Review the Renewable Energy Rider Decision

The Fair Trading Commission has moved on the 22nd day of April 2016 to commence a Motion to Review and vary the Decision on the Renewable Energy Rider (RER) dated August 8th, 2014. This Motion to Review the RER is in accordance with Section 36 of the Fair Trading Commission Act, Cap. 326B of the Laws of Barbados.

This Motion is focused on the temporary establishment of an RER credit that will offer a level of compensation to renewable energy (RE) generators such that RE generation is economically viable in an environment of low oil prices. Additionally, the Motion considers the expansion of the RER programme to allow it to be accessible to generators with capacities up to 500kW.

The Motion to Review the RER will be done by way of written consultation. The Fair Trading Commission is seeking the public’s views on the Motion to Review the RER. Copies of the said Motion and supporting documentation can be obtained at the Commission’s office between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays and from the links below. Any person who wishes to respond to the consultation is hereby notified that they must file a response on or before 4:00 p.m. on the 13th day of May 2016.

Motion to Review RER Decision [386k pdf]

Procedural Directions [56k pdf]

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