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21st Century Government Summit to Focus on Transforming Caribbean Public Service PDF Print
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The Government of Antigua and Barbuda and the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU), in collaboration with the Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD), will host the four-day 21st Century Government Summit and Symposium from January 16 to 19, 2018.
A 21st Century Government is one that makes effective use of ICTs to deliver services to its citizens and its internal and external clients. It is characterised by citizen-centric, seamless, open, interactive, efficient and transparent processes. The establishment of a 21st Century Government seeks to transform the public service, strengthen economic competitiveness and promote sustainable development.
Prime Minister of Grenada, Dr. The Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell, will deliver the feature address at the Summit on January 16 at the St. James Club, Antigua and Barbuda. Prime Minister Mitchell, the CARICOM Head of Government who holds responsibility for science and technology, has expressed his full support for and endorsed the establishment of 21st Century governments in the Caribbean. He noted that “21st Century Government principles are embedded in the Vision and Roadmap for the CARICOM Single ICT Space, which was approved by CARICOM Heads of Government in February, 2017. The 21st Century Government programme represents a significant step in the realisation of the vision for the Single ICT space by 2022.”
He urged his fellow Caribbean Heads of Government to participate in the programme and become champions for 21st Century Government. The programme provides a framework for accelerating the delivery of e-government services, transformation of Caribbean governments and improvement in the region’s competitiveness.
The Summit of Heads of Government will explain the principles of 21st Century Government and propose a plan that will lead to government transformation. The three-day Symposium, designed to prepare public sector practitioners for the work that has to be done to establish 21st Century Governments, will follow the Summit from January 17 to 19.
Regional Prime Ministers, ICT and Public Administration Ministers, permanent secretaries and technocrats; ICT Network Operators and Regulators; international development agencies and members of the business community are expected to attend the event.
Interested persons are invited to register at: https://ctuevents.events.idloom.com/Towards-21stCentury-Government
For more information, please visit the CTU website at http://www.ctu.int
January 9, 2018  
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