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The Fair Trading Commission has reissued its two market studies on the telecommunications and hotel industries. Originally launched in November 2017, the aim of these studies is to determine the existence of unfair contractual terms and anticompetitive or unfair trade practices within these industries. The studies include public surveys, which have been amended based on feedback received following the initial launch.
The hotel accommodation survey is focused on the experiences of tourists and locals alike who have stayed at properties on the island; while the telecommunications survey is focused on the experience local customers have had with their cell phone providers.
Persons are therefore encouraged to complete the survey on the Assessment of the Quality of Service Delivery in the Hotel Industry of Barbados: Accommodation Sector by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/P3N6VJQ . Members of the public are also asked to complete the survey on the Assessment of the Quality of Service Delivery in the Telecommunications Sector of Barbados: Mobile Telephony, which may be accessed at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/59GPY9S . The links may also be accessed at the Commission’s Facebook page, www.facebook.com/BarbadosFairTradingCommission . These studies do not constitute an investigation, but are a general evaluation of the quality of service and product delivery within these sectors in Barbados. The Commission’s focus, therefore, is to highlight any issues that are affecting consumers and stakeholders and address these issues in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, CAP. 326D and/or the Fair Competition Act, CAP. 326C. Upon conclusion of the study, a report will be prepared and presented to the public.
July 3, 2018
Nekaelia Hutchinson-Holder
Information Specialist
Fair Trading Commission
Good Hope, Green Hill,
St. Michael
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel.: 424-0260  
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