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The Fair Trading Commission has received information from seven (7) complainants who allege that two (2) Grand Kadooment bands may have breached the Consumer Protection Act, CAP.326C (CPA). It was further alleged that the bands in question advertised particular costumes but the product that was supplied to the complainants did not correspond with the original representation or advertisement. Section 26 of the CPA stipulates that it is a criminal offence to engage in conduct that may be or is likely to be misleading and or deceptive.
As a result, the Commission has contacted both bands in question. One band has updated the Commission on the status of the complaints and indicated that they will be processing the relevant refunds. We will continue to monitor this process to ensure that affected parties are reimbursed. The Commission has contacted the management of the other band and is awaiting their response.
The Commission recognises that persons other than those who have filed complaints may have been affected and we encourage those persons to contact us. The Commission will also seek to discuss the matter with the bands involved. In the near future, the Commission will engage stakeholders to promote greater understanding of and compliance with the CPA.
Persons with queries or complaints may visit the Commission’s office at Green Hill, St. Michael, contact the Commission at 424-0260 or email This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
August 10, 2018
Nekaelia Hutchinson-Holder
Information Specialist
Fair Trading Commission
Good Hope, Green Hill,
St. Michael
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel.: 424-0260  
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