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The Fair Trading Commission conducted a public consultation on the Barbados Light & Power Company Limited’s (BL&P) proposed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Distributed Generators over 500kW. This consultation ended in November 2018, and the stakeholders’ submissions are available here. The PPA document may be found here.

A meeting was held on February 7, 2019, where stakeholders discussed submissions and crafting a cohesive response to BL&P’s PPA proposal. When finalised, this response will inform the BL&P’s revised document, which will be presented to the Commission.

The proposed PPA outlines suggested terms and conditions to facilitate the sale of renewable energy (RE) from RE suppliers to the BL&P. These include operational obligations, the delivery and acceptance of energy, interconnection and insurance.


February 22, 2019

Nekaelia Hutchinson-Holder
Information Specialist
Fair Trading Commission
Good Hope, Green Hill,
St. Michael
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel.: 424-0260
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