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 1.       Domestic Voice Telecommunication Services[1]



Business- Basic


Charity Line



Line Business Automatic Universal        

112 Emergency lines                                               

Line – Staff Exchange                                             

Line – 800 Service                                                   

Line - Residence Exchange only                           

Line  - Basic Exchange only                                   

Line Key systems                                                    

Direct Exchange line Business                                                      

Direct Exchange line Company                                                    

Line Rental – ISDN 64k – Residential and Business


PABX trunk line

Directory number hunt line                      

Line – D I D                                                  

Sub owned trunk lines                               

DEL lines                                                      

Line – Pay Phone ( Sub rental )                 



Comnet 1

1-4 lines

5-10 lines

11-15 lines

16-30 lines

31-100 lines

101 plus lines


External private wire charge up to 1 mile

Additional private wire 1/3 mile each

Internal private wire

Temporary Private wire with both ends terminating in Windsor Lodge area – min charge for one day per additional day

Temporary Private wire with at least 1 end terminating in another C.O area – min one day Per additional day


2 wire Voice Frequency  1200

2 wire voice freq 300

4 wire voice & 4 wire Equal freq 96

4 wire voice & 4 wire Equal freq 48

4 wire voice & 4 wire Equal freq 24

2 wire voice freq 2400

Space Segment (Panamsat)


Intercept to operator                                   

Unlisted number

Callback service overseas per line                                   

Debar overseas calls per line

Change number advisory service


MIS –Fixed call forwarding                                   

MIS – Additional Directory Listing                     

CDR – Message DETAIL Recorder                      

CRD – telephone Accounting Billing System     


Public Pay Telephone per initial 3 min call       

Subsequent 3 min period                          


Directory Enquiries                                                


Fixed call forwarding (Business)                          

Call waiting (business)

Call Forwarding (Business)

Speed calling (Business)

Three way calling (Business)

Smart ring 3 Tones (Business)

Smart ring 2 Tones (Business)

Smart ring 1 Tone (Business)

Call waiting and one other (Business)


Smart Ring where Call Waiting is installed

All four services and Smart Ring (Business)


Fixed Call Forwarding (Residence)

Call Waiting (Residence)

Call forwarding (Residence

Speed calling (Residence)

Three way calling (Residence)

Smart Ring 3 Tones (Residence)

Smart Ring 2 Tones (Residence)

Smart Ring 1 Tone (Residence)

Call waiting and one other (Residence)

All four services (Residence)

Smart Ring where call waiting is installed

All four services and Smart Ring (Residence)


Call Forward-Busy (Residence)

Call Forward-Don’t Answer (Business)

Voice Menu (Business)

Voice Announce (Business)

Voice Mail Call Forward (Residence)

Voice Express Message (Residence

Voice Mail on Exchange other than Windsor Lodge (Residence)

Voice Mail Access Directory Number 

Combinations of the above services as branded under the following categories


MAX Services

MTS Services

TMX Services

VMX Services

Smart Choice Services 

This category includes related services and combinations of the same, however described.


Non-Recurring Charges

Install Main Line – Residence

Install Main Line – Business

Install Main Line for Complex Business System

Install Comnet Console

Install Comnet 1 per line

Install Comnet 1 per line to convert existing lines –to Comnet 1

Install Comnet

Install ADSL

Conversion of POTS to ISDN


Private Wire

Install temporary private wire with both ends terminating in

Windsor Lodge Central Office area

Change of Address

Change of Number

Change Listed for New Unlisted Number

Change Unlisted to Listed (Same Number)

Remove Debar on Overseas Calls (Per Number)

Temporary Disconnection of service (Requested by Customer)

Reconnection of Service (Requested by Customer)

Tracing Nuisance Calls (Requested by Customer)

Change Billing Address (Requested by Customer)

Change Directory Listing (Requested by Customer)

Reconnection after Disconnection for non-payment

Install systems specific authorisation code (SSAC)

Install system wide authorisation code (SW)

Install SSAC or SW at same time as other service

Authorisation Code

This category includes related services and combinations of the same, however described.


2.       International Telecommunications Services

International Direct Dialled          


Credit Card                                                              

Operator Assisted Calls                                                     

Direct Dialled Data                                                 

Enhanced Fax                                                                      

Toll Free                                                                   




Frame Access

Frame Relay                                                 


GDMS Frame Relay                                                                        

International Toll Free                                                                   

This category includes related services and combinations of the same, however described.


3.       Services in Respect of Interconnection Charges

Interconnection means the linking of public telecommunications networks to allow users of one licensed carrier to communicate with users of another licensed carrier.

These charges pertain to those in any reference interconnection offer (RIO) and any  Interconnection Agreements 

This category includes related services and combinations of the same, however described.


4.       Leased Circuits

Direct Exchange Lines

Domestic Leased circuits

International Leased circuits                        

This category includes related services and combinations of the same, however described.


 5.       International Simple Resale 

Resale services and international voice minutes provided for switchless resale until the surrender of the exclusive right of Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited to operate international facilities and provide international services.

(S.I. 2003 No. 93)

 This category includes related services and combinations of the same, however described.


6.       Termination Charges

 These are charges payable for the termination of calls in respect of Interconnection (non dominant operators (S.I. 2004 No.17)

 This category includes related services and combinations of the same, however described.


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