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Hearing of The Barbados Light and Power Company Limited’s (BL&P) application for a review of electricity rates will commence in October at the Lloyd Erskine Sandiford Centre. Persons interested in participating in the rate review process were requested to submit letters of intervention in accordance with the Utilities Regulation (Procedural) Rules 2003.

The Fair Trading Commission received a total of ten (10) applications. All applicants have complied with the requirements under the Procedural Rules and have been granted intervenor status. They are as follows:


Barbados Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (BANGO)
Barbados Association of Retired Persons (BARP)
3 Barbados Consumer Research Organisation Inc. (BARCRO)
4 Barbados Small Business Association (SBA)
5 Canbar Technical Services Ltd.
6 Sentinel Group Caribbean Inc.
7 Roland Clarke
8 Errol E. Niles
9 Douglas B. Trotman
Olson Robertson









The intervenors represent consumer organisations, small businesses, industry specialists and private individuals. Their interests in intervening range from the impact of the proposed rates, to renewable energy and demand billing for commercial customers.

The next step in this process will be a procedural conference which will deal with administrative matters related to the timelines for filing documents and procedures to govern the hearing. Other issues to be covered will include dates for convening of conferences to clarify technical issues and to finalise the list of issues that will be dealt with at the hearing. The Commission will also be receiving questions and requests for information from the intervenors relating to matters raised in the BL&P’s application for the applicant’s response.

Fair Trading Commission
Good Hope
Green Hill, St. Michael
Tel: 246-424-0260
Fax: 246-424-0300


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