Commission clarifies Fault Repair Standard-GTS2 in the Standards of Service for Cable & Wireless PDF Print
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The Fair Trading Commission (Commission) issued the Standards of Service Decision for Cable & Wireless (Barbados) Limited’s (C&W) landline telephone services on May 7, 2014 for the period 1 July, 2014 to 31 March, 2017.
The Commission on September 12, 2014 corrected an ambiguity as it relates to the Fault Repair Standard - GTS2 pursuant to Rule 53(1) of the URPR. This ambiguity was to correct the fault repair standard since the initial Standards of Service Decision did not retain a target time for a fault to be repaired. The Commission has now corrected this ambiguity by including a target period of two (2) days for the repair of a fault by Cable & Wireless to allow the company a reasonable time to make such repairs. Customers will however not receive any compensation if faults are repaired within this period. Customers will receive credits for periods without service due to faults which are not repaired within two (2) days of the report of the fault. All prorated credit payments will be made as credits on the customer’s next bill after the claim has been accepted. The customer has the right to make a complaint to the Commission if he/she considers that he/she has been wrongfully denied compensation. Customers are however reminded that if Cable & Wireless informs them that they have internal wiring faults, Cable & Wireless would not provide the prorated credit unless it is subsequently determined that the customers’ internal wiring was not defective. In such a case, customers should seek compensation from Cable & Wireless for the expense of any testing undertaken on their behalf by private technicians.
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